Online Electrical Engineering Degree Curriculum

Explore a curriculum at the intersection of theory and application with Bradley University's B.S in Electrical Engineering online. Students will engage with comprehensive courses that mirror the innovative strides of the industry, poised to meet emerging challenges with expertise and ingenuity.

Electrical Engineering Curriculum Breakdown

  • Core Courses (45 Hours)
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Electives (15 Hours)
  • Professional Electives (9 Hours)
  • Mathematics and Basic Sciences (33 Hours)
  • Bradley Core Curriculum (24 Hours)

Total: 126 hours

Electrical Engineering Core Courses

Brief course descriptions of Bradley University undergraduate electrical engineering courses are listed below.

ECE 100 - Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering (2 hours)

Introduction to fundamental concepts in electrical and computer engineering.

ECE 102 - Intro to EE: Digital Systems (3 hours)

Introduction to logic design with focus on the following topics: fundamentals of Boolean algebra and minimization techniques, logic realizations of SOP and POS functions, multiple function synthesis using PLDs, combinational circuit design as it applies to computers, sequential circuit elements, flip flops, counters and shift-registers, clock generation circuits, algorithmic state machine method of designing sequential circuits, and VHDL design and synthesis. Course culminates with a design project that uses VHDL to implement a finite state machine.

ECE 103 - Intro to EE: Computers and Programming (3 hours)

Introduction to computers and operating systems; introduction to programming in a high-level language appropriate to electrical engineering.

ECE 206 - Continuous-time Signals and Systems (3 hours)

The study of signals and systems using the continuous-time approach. Topics covered: Modeling of continuous time physical systems, sampling, transformation of continuous-time signals, Fourier series, Fourier transform, energy and power density spectra, filter design, stability, state variables for continuous-time systems, feedback, bandwidth, modulation. Simulation and analysis of systems using MATLAB and Simulink. Prerequisite: ECE 204 with a minimum grade of C.

ECE 208 - Transmission Lines and Electromagnetic Fields (3 hours)

Time-harmonic steady-state and transient analysis of radio frequency (RF) transmission lines (T Lines); impedance matching; the Smith chart and its applications; vector analysis; static electric fields and capacitance; steady currents and resistance; static magnetic fields and inductance; electrical and magnetic properties of materials; electric and magnetic boundary conditions; electric and magnetic energies. Prerequisite: ECE 204 with a minimum grade of C, Concurrent enrollment in MTH 223

ECE 214 – Linear Circuits Analysis and Design (4 hours)

The study of linear circuits analysis and design. DC and AC circuits. Basic circuit laws and circuit theorems. Characteristics of circuit elements (Resistor, Capacitor, Inductor, Signal Sources, Op-Amps). Signal waveforms, Phasors, Impedance. Thevenin and Norton equivalents. Time domain circuit analysis and design. Phasor domain circuit analysis and design. Laplace transform. S-domain circuit analysis and design. Frequency response. AC power systems. Transformers, average power, reactive power, and complex power. Simulation and analysis of linear circuits using SPICE and MATLAB. Circuit analysis and design hands-on labs and projects. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in ECE 100 or equivalent with consent of instructor.

ECE 221 - AC Circuits and Systems Laboratory (2 hours)

The student is introduced to experimental implementation of topics covered in ECE 204, ECE 205, and ECE 206. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in ECE 204 and credit in ECE 205. Corequisite: ECE 206.

ECE 301 - Discrete-time Signals and Systems (3 hours)

The study of signals and systems using the discrete-time approach. Topic covered: modeling of discrete-time physical systems, sampling and reconstruction of signals, analog-to-digital converters, quantization, arithmetic formats (fixed- and floating-point), analysis of discrete-time LTI systems, Implementation of discrete-time systems, Z-transforms, frequency analysis of discrete-time signals, frequency domain analysis of LTI systems, discrete Fourier transform, design of FIR and IIR filters. Simulation and analysis of systems using MATLAB and Simulink. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in: ECE 206

ECE 303 - Electronics (3 hours)

Function and applications of diodes, transistors and operational amplifiers. Simulations of electronic devices and circuits using SPICE. Prerequisite: ECE 204 with a minimum grade of C.

ECE 304 - Advanced Electronics and Integrated Circuit (3 hours)

Fundamentals on analog IC and digital IC. Building blocks of integrated-circuit amplifiers. Differential and Multistage amplifiers. Power amplifiers. Feedback and filters. Oscillators. CMOS digital logic circuits. Memory and Clocking circuits. Electronic control devices and circuits. Simulations and experiments of electronic devices and circuits. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in ECE 303

ECE 305 - Microcontroller Architecture, Programming and Applications (4 hours)

Introduction to microcontroller architecture and programming. Topics include microcontroller architecture, fundamentals of assembly language, common microcontroller peripherals, and developing microcontroller-based applications in a relevant high-level procedural programming language. Students develop hardware and software troubleshooting and testing skills. The design experience culminates in a specification-driven project. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in: ECE 102, ECE 103

ECE 322 - Electronics and Interfacing Laboratory (3 hours)

Laboratory sequence with focus on design of electronic interfaces to embedded devices. Topics include: transistor switches, analog-to-digital conversion, digital-to-analog conversion, pulse-width modulation, communication interfaces. Culminates in a design project. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in: ECE 205, ECE 221 Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in ECE 303

ECE 398 - Vertical Integrated Project (1 hour)

It provides the time and context necessary for students to learn and practice many different professional skills, make substantial contributions to a project, and experience many different roles in a team. Under the approval of department and advisors, up to 1 credit hour per semester for first and second year students; up to 2 credit hours per semester for third year students; not open to graduating senior students in ECE department. Prerequisite: Approval from department and advisors

ECE 401 - Undergraduate Design Seminar I (1 hour)

Multidisciplinary team effort to identify a market need based on realistic constraints; propose an electrical or electronic product to meet the need; prepare a feasibility study assessing economic and technical viability of the product. Corequisite: ECE 497.

ECE 402 - Undergraduate Design Seminar II (1 hour)

Continuation of multidisciplinary team effort to prepare a business plan for the launch of a venture based on the electronic product proposed and analyzed in ECE 401. Each student will also gain insight into the critical importance of professional ethics by identifying and analyzing a case in which flawed ethical decisions lead to negative outcomes for individuals and their company. Both deliverables require significant writing, the quality of which will have a major impact on the student's grade. Prerequisite: ECE401 with a minimum grade of C.

ECE 497 - Capstone Project System Level Design (1 hour)

The primary goal of this course is to have the student (and partner) choose a senior project and use a top-down design approach prior to implementation in the senior lab. In addition, the student will serve on a Design Review Team (DRT) that will analyze other senior projects. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in ECE 301, ECE 302, ECE 303, and ECE 322. Concurrent enrollment in two core courses.

ECE 498 - Senior Capstone Project I (2 hours)

Design and implementation of senior design capstone project. Requires an oral progress presentation. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in ECE 497.

ECE 499 - Senior Capstone Project II (3 hours)

Continuation of the design and implementation of the senior design capstone project. Culminates in an oral presentation and a written report. Prerequisite: ECE 498 with a minimum grade of C.

Electrical Engineering and Professional Elective Courses

Students must take 15 hours of Electrical and Computer Engineering electives (ECE) and 9 hours of Professional electives. All electives selected by the student should be approved by the student's academic advisor. The student can select electives that reflect career objectives. ECE electives are available in the areas of controls, communication, cyber physical and digital system, digital signal processing, electromechanical systems, embedded systems, mechatronics, power electronics and system, robotics, and wireless components and systems. Approved ECE electives include all 400-level ECE courses except for ECE 401, ECE 402, ECE 497, ECE 498, and ECE 499.

For Professional electives, Students may choose ECE or non-ECE elective courses. Non-ECE electives include courses in the area of mathematics, computer science, programming, business, and other engineering.

ECE 409 - Special Topics (1-6 hours)

Topics of special interest which may vary each time course is offered. Topic stated in current Schedule of Classes. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

ECE 410 - Special Topics (1-6 hours)

Topics of special interest which may vary each time course is offered. Topic stated in current Schedule of Classes. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

ECE 431 - Communication Theory I (3 hours)

Orthogonal signal representation; review of Fourier series and Fourier transform; basic probability theory; random processes; power spectral density; Shannon's channel capacity; sampling theorem; baseband signaling; bandpass signaling; complex envelope representation of signals and systems; analog modulations; binary and M-ary digital modulations; phase locked loops, demodulation circuits; matched filter; error performance in digital communications. Cross-listed as ECE 531. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in ECE 206 Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in ECE 302

ECE 432 - Communication Theory II (3 hours)

Digital communication systems; modulation; demodulation; maximum likelihood detection; trade-offs between bandwidth and power; bit error rate; channel coding techniques: block coding, convolutional coding, and iterative decoding; mutual information; channel capacity; trellis-coded modulation; synchronization. Cross-listed as ECE 532. Prerequisite: ECE 431 with a minimum grade of C.

ECE 440 - Electromechanical Systems (3 hours)

Introduction to dynamic systems analysis with emphasis on mathematical modeling of sensors and electromechanical devices for control system applications. Fundamentals of power and industrial electronics. Prerequisite: ECE 206 with a minimum grade of C Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in ECE303

ECE 441 - Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems (3 hours)

Analysis and design of linear automatic control systems for continuous-time systems using classical control theory. Root locus and Bode methods. Modeling of physical systems. Introduction to digital control. Computer-aided design and simulation. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in ECE 206 and ECE 221 Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in ECE 303

ECE 442 - Advanced Data-Driven Control and Applications (3 hours)

Frequency domain design of linear automatic control systems. Analysis and design of linear automatic control systems for sampled-data and discrete-time systems. Classical and modern control theory methods. Modeling of sampled-data and discrete-time systems. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in: ECE 441 and ECE 301

ECE 443 - Distributed Learning Control of Dynamic Systems (3 hours)

The analysis and control of distributed dynamic systems, distributed learning and control issues in dynamic systems, distributed control and estimation of multiple dynamic systems, use of fundamental tools in modeling and control of linear and nonlinear dynamic systems, applications of distributed learning and control for multiple dynamic systems through case studies in multiple robot coordination and distributed power grids. Cross-listed as ECE 543. Prerequisite: ECE 302 and MTH 207

ECE 444 - Introduction to Autonomous Robotics (3 hours)

The project-based course deals with the fundamentals on autonomous and intelligent robotics systems. It covers kinematics, manipulability, motion of robots, the basic definition, architecture, motion planning, control and navigation of autonomous robotics. Cross-listed as ECE544. Not open to students with credit in ECE 544. Prerequisite: MTH 224, ECE 205 or ECE 103 or proficiency in programming in a structural computer language, ECE 221 or ECE 227.

ECE 445 - Power Electronics Fundamentals (3 hours)

Fundamentals of power electronics. Covered topics: DC/DC converters, DC/AC converters (inverters), and AC/DC rectifiers, analysis, design, simulation and application of power electronic based systems. Cross-listed as ECE 545. Prerequisite: ECE 303

ECE 446 - Power Laboratory (3 hours)

Experiments in transformers and rotating machines. Covered topics: electric machinery principles; brushed DC motor connections, operational characteristics, and applications; linear brushed DC motor model development, simulation, and verification; wound rotor and squirrel cage AC induction motor connections, operational characteristics, and applications; linear single-phase transformer model development and verification; power electronic H-bridge. Prerequisite: ECE 303

ECE 450 - Electromagnetic Theory (3 hours)

Time-varying electric and magnetic fields; Maxwell's equations; electromagnetic potentials; electromagnetic boundary conditions; plane-wave propagation in unbounded conducting and non-conducting media; wave polarization; Poynting vector; reflection and transmission of waves at boundaries;and radiation and antennas. Cross-listed as ECE 550. Prerequisite: ECE 208 with a minimum of C.

ECE 451 - Radio Frequency Circuits and Systems (3 hours)

Review of transmission lines, impedance matching and transformations, S-parameters, passive RF junctions, RF amplifier design, RF systems, and front-end design. Cross-listed as ECE 551. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in: ECE208, ECE221. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in ECE303.

ECE 452 - Wireless Communication Systems (3 hours)

Introduction to wireless communication systems; modulation and detection; noise, attenuation; multipath and fading; sensitivity, distortion, inter-modulation, and dynamic range; wireless link RF design; transmitter and receiver architectures; RF components and subsystems; selected wireless systems including multiple-access cellular systems. Cross-listed as ECE 552. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in: ECE 206, ECE 208 Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in ECE303

ECE 453 - Radio Frequency Communications Laboratory (3 hours)

Radio frequency measurements of wireless system components and subsystems, time and frequency domain measurements of analog and digital signals in communication systems, computer-aided design, fabrication, and testing of microwave integrated circuits. Cross-listed as ECE 553. Prerequisite: ECE 451 with a minimum of C

ECE 460 - Digital Signal Processing (3 hours)

Design of digital filters and multirate systems. Topics include: review of discrete-time signals and systems, generalized linear phase, all-pass filters, minimum phase systems, inverse systems, FIR filter design, IIR filter design, resampling in time and frequency domain, half-band filters, polyphase filters, quadrature mirror filters and wavelets. Cross-listed as ECE 560. Prerequisite: ECE 301 with a minimum grade of C.

ECE 462 - Digital Image Processing (3 hours)

Introduction to image processing. Topics covered: digital image fundamentals, image enhancements in spatial domain, image restoration, color image processing, wavelets and multiresolution, image compression, morphological image processing, image segmentation, pattern recognition. Cross-listed as ECE 562. Prerequisite: ECE 301 or ME 273 with a minimum grade of C.

ECE 463 - Medical Imaging (3 hours)

Introduction to the common methods and devices employed for medical imaging, including conventional x-ray imaging, x-ray computed tomography (CT), nuclear medicine (single photon planar imaging), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), and positron emission tomography (PET), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and ultrasound imaging. The physics and design of systems, typical clinical applications, medical image processing, and tomographic reconstruction. Cross-listed as ECE 563 and ME 582. Prerequisite: ECE 206 with a minimum grade of C.

ECE 465 - Engineering Applications of Machine Learning (3 hours)

This course covers the theory, design, and engineering applications of machine learning with the emphasis on computational intelligence. Embedded hardware platforms, high-performance libraries, and high-performance architectures are used for implementation. Variants such as deep neural networks and convolutional neural networks are examined. Cross-listed as ECE 565. Prerequisite: ECE 302 with a minimum grade of C.

ECE 467 - Mobile Robotics Laboratory (3 hours)

An explorative laboratory-based study of autonomous mobile robotics. Mobile robots utilizing sensors and microcontrollers to navigate using localization, motion control, and mapping algorithms. Prerequisite: ECE 207 and ECE 322 with a minimum grade of C.

ECE 468 - Introduction to Mechatronics (3 hours)

Introduction to mechatronics: mechatronics overview, sensors and actuators modeling, interfacing sensors and actuators with digital systems. Prerequisite: ECE 221 or ECE 227

ECE 470 - Embedded Data Structures and Object Oriented Programming (3 hours)

Introduction to data structures, object-oriented programming, memory management, problems of efficiency and complexity of algorithms applicable to embedded systems. Cross-listed as ECE 570. Prerequisite: ECE 205 with a minimum grade of C.

ECE 471 - Real-time Operating Systems (3 hours)

Advanced programming of small microprocessor-based systems using high-level programming languages applied to real situations: data acquisition, control, communication, small real-time operating systems. Software development for devices from a family of microcontrollers that are relevant to industrial applications. Cross-listed as ECE 571. Prerequisite: ECE 205 with minimum grade of C.

ECE 472 - Embedded Microcontroller Linux (3 hours)

Understanding of Linux and its adoption as an embedded OS platform, including process and thread management; communication, synchronization, and deadlocks; virtual memory and file systems; overview of methods and techniques to design and create embedded systems based on the Linux kernel. The essentials of the Linux operating system are discussed from the embedded system point of view, including selecting, configuring, cross-compiling, and installing a target-specific kernel, drivers, and subsystems; the GNU development tool chain; and tools used to build embedded Linux systems. Cross-listed as ECE 572. Prerequisite: ECE 205 with a minimum grade of C.

ECE 473 - Embedded TCP/IP (3 hours)

Understanding of Linux and its adoption as an embedded OS platform, including process and thread management; communication, synchronization, and deadlocks; virtual memory and file systems; overview of methods and techniques to design and create embedded systems based on the Linux kernel. The essentials of the Linux operating system are discussed from the embedded system point of view, including selecting, configuring, cross-compiling, and installing a target-specific kernel, drivers, and subsystems; the GNU development tool chain; and tools used to build embedded Linux systems. Cross-listed as ECE 572. Prerequisite: ECE 205 with a minimum grade of C.

ECE 474 - Mobile Robot Navigation and Mapping (3 hours)

Principles of locomotion, sensing, localization, and motion planning of mobile robots; building of and locating in probabilistic maps; cooperative localization, mapping, and exploration; cooperative object transport; multi-robot motion coordination. Cross-listed as ECE 574. Prerequisite: ECE 470 with a minimum grade of C.

ECE 475 - Security for Industrial Automation (3 hours)

Introductory topics in industrial automation cyber-physical systems security, fundamental security primitives specific to cyber-physical systems, and their application to a broad range of current and future security challenges. Purdue Model for ICS Security. Industrial control systems as an example instance of cyber-physical systems. Cross-listed as ECE575. Prerequisite: ECE 205 or ECE305 with a minimum grade of C, or proficiency in programming in a structural language and familiarity with microcontrollers.

ECE 480 - Digital Systems: Communication and Interface (3 hours)

A survey of the most common peripheral devices used in embedded and programmable devices. Cross-listed as ECE 580. Prerequisite: ECE 205 or ECE 305 with a minimum grade of C.

ECE 481 - Digital Systems: Design and Synthesis (3 hours)

A structured guide to the modeling of the design of digital systems, using VHDL, a hardware description language. VHDL is designed to fill a number of needs in the design process. It allows description of the structure of a system and the specification of the function using familiar programming language forms. As a result, it allows the design of a system to be simulated and synthesized. Cross-listed as ECE 581. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in ECE322.

ECE 482 - Digital Systems: High Level Synthesis and Codesign (3 hours)

Topics covered: FPGA architecture; embedded development tool flow; introduction to SoC; shared/dedicated busses; customized IP design; HW/SW interface; system performance analysis and bottleneck identification for a given HW/SW architecture; software partition; transformation between HW/SW components; hardware acceleration, FPGA codesign applications. Cross-listed as ECE 582. Prerequisite: ECE 205 with a minimum of C.

ECE 483 - Digital systems: Microprocessor Architecture and Design (3 hours)

Architectures of CISC & RISC microprocessors: CPU, Control Unit, ALU, MMU, pipelines, etc. Design trade-offs investigated. Cross-listed as ECE 583. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in ECE 205.

ECE 484 - Digital Systems: Peripheral Architecture and Design (3 hours)

Architecture of microprocessor systems: Evolution, external memory, Input & Output, Operating Systems, etc. Design trade-offs investigated. Cross-listed as ECE 584. Prerequisite: ECE 205 or ECE 305 with a minimum grade of C.

Mathematics and Basic Science Courses (33 Hours)

  • ECE 302 Probability, Statistics, and Random Processes for EE - 3 hours
  • MTH 121: Calculus I - 4 hours
  • MTH 122: Calculus II - 4 hours
  • MTH 207 Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications – 3 hrs.
  • MTH 223: Calculus III - 4 hours
  • MTH 224: Differential Equations - 3 hours
  • CHM 110: General Chemistry I - 3 hours
  • CHM 111: General Chemistry I Lab - 1 hour
  • PHY 110: Physics - 4 hours
  • PHY 201 University Physics II – 4 hours

Bradley Core Curriculum Courses (24 Hours)

  • Writing 1 (W1) - 3 hours
  • Writing 2 (W2) - 3 hours
  • Oral Communication (OC) - 3 hours
  • Multidisciplinary Integration (MI) - 3 hours
  • Humanities (HU) - 3 hours
  • Fine Arts (FA) - 3 hours
  • Global Perspectives (GP) - 3 hours
  • Social & Behavioral Sciences (SB): ECO 100, ECO 221, or ECO 222 - 3 hours


Fall 2025

Final Application Date
July 20, 2025
Fall 2024
Start Date
August 27, 2025
Fall 2025

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