
Jing Wang

Associate Professor


Courses at Bradley University:

  • ECE 303 Electronics
  • ECE 441 Control Theory I
  • ECE 410 Cooperative Control (developed by Dr. Wang)
  • ECE 640 Dynamic Systems Analysis
  • ECE 642 Advanced Control Systems
  • ECE 681 Cooperative Control (developed by Dr. Wang)

Courses taught before joining Bradley University:

  • E123 Engineering Drawing
  • CS132 Computer Applications
  • E230A Introduction to Electric Circuits
  • E230AL Introduction to Electric Circuits Lab
  • E333A Networked autonomous robotics (developed by Dr. Wang)
  • E333AL Networked autonomous robotics Lab (developed by Dr. Wang)
  • E335A Electronics I
  • E335AL Electronics I Lab
  • E336A Electronics II
  • E336AL Electronics II Lab
  • E334A Introduction to Microcontroller
  • E334AL Introduction to Microcontroller Lab
  • CS438A Computer Architecture


Research interests:

  1. Controls and Robotics: Cooperative control of multiple robots, Motion planning, Visual  servoing , Sensor fusion;

  2. Distributed Optimization and Learning: Coordination of multiagent systems, Deep learning, Approximate dynamic programming and reinforcement learning; Extremum Seeking Control;
  3. Nonlinear Systems and Control Theory: Nonlinear Control, Adaptive control, Optimal adaptive control, Robust control;
  4. Control Applications: Control of Bio-Systems,  Stability  and control of distributed power network, Distributed sensor network

Research grants (funded):

  1. PI, “Distributed Detection and Control of Emergent Behaviors of Multiagent Systems: Simulation Using AgentFly”, Air Force Research Lab (AFRL), Funded, 3/2016 to 9/2016, Amount $67,000.
  2. PI, “Distributed Detection and Control of Emergent Behaviors of Multiagent Systems”, Air Force Research Lab (AFRL), Funded, April 20,  2015  to Oct 20, 2017, Amount $424,503.
  3. PI of Subcontract of AFRL grant to Bradley, “Multiagent Task Coordination Using a Distributed Optimization Approach”, August 2014 to April 2015, funded, Amount $106,119.
  4. PI, “Multiagent Task Coordination Using a Distributed Optimization Approach”, Air Force Research Lab (AFRL), Funded, April 2013 to April 2015, Amount $499, 759.
  5. Co-PI  in NSF CNS-0821557, “MRI: Acquisition of Mobile Robot Systems for Autonomous Multiple- Robot Cooperative Control Research,” Major Research Instrumentation Initiative, Duration: 8/08-8/11, funded, Amount $222, 975.
  6. Co-I, National Summer Transportation Institute Program, BCU Site, Funded, July1-July26, 2013, Amount $26, 466.

Selected recent publications (over 100 papers in internationally refereed journals and conferences; 1700+ citations; h-index 18; i10-index 24):

  1. Wang, I. S. Ahn, Y. Lu, and G. Staskevich, “A New Distributed Algorithm for Environmental Monitoring by Wireless Sensor Networks with Limited Communication”, 2016 IEEE Sensors, Oct 30 – Nov 2, 2016, Orlando, FL.
  2. Fu, T. Yang, and J. Wang, “Effects of Jamming on a Multi-agent Flocking Model with Distributed Estimation of Global Features”, in SAI Intelligent Systems Conference 2016,Dec 6-7, 2016, San Francisco, CA.
  3. Bock, R. Hendrickson, J. Lamkin, B.  Dhall , J. Wang and I. S. Ahn, ``Experiments of distributed control for multiple mobile robots with limited sensing/communication capacity'', 2016 IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology (EIT), May 19-21, 2016, Grand Forks, ND. An extended version was accepted by International Journal of Handheld Computing Research.
  4. Wang, “Distributed coordinated tracking control for a class of uncertain multiagent systems”, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, to appear,  July,  2016
  5. Wang, T. Yang, G. Staskevich, and B. Abbe, “Approximately Adaptive Neural Cooperative Control for Nonlinear Multiagent Systems with Performance Guarantee”, Int. J. of Systems Sciences, DOI:10.1080/00207721.2016.1186242,  May,  2016
  6. Wang, I. S. Ahn, Y. Lu, and T. Yang, “A distributed detection algorithm for collective behaviors in multiagent systems”, in the 12th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, June 12-15, Guilin, China.
  7. Wang, “Distributed coordinated tracking control for a class of uncertain multiagent  systems ”, in the 2016 IEEE American Control Conference, July 6-8, 2016, Boston, MA
  8. A. Khan and J. Wang, ``On formalization of emergent behaviors in multiagent systems with limited interactions'', 2016 IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology (EIT), May 19-21, 2016, Grand Forks, ND.
  9. Liu, Z. Huang, J. Peng, J. Wang , and L. Li “An explicit predictive current-sharing control for parallel charging systems with nonlinear dynamics”, the 2016 American Control Conference, July 6-8, 2016, Boston, MA.
  10. Liu, T. Yang, and J. Wang , “Model checking for the fault tolerance of collaborative AUVs”, 17th IEEE Int. Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering, Jan 7-9, 2016, Orlando, FL
  11. Yang, Z. Fu, and J. Wang, “Application of an even-triggered distributed estimation algorithm in a simple multiagent flocking model”, in the 2016 IEEE SoutheastCon, March 30-Apr 3, 2016, Norfolk VA.
  12. Wang and C. Smith, “A Distributed Computing Algorithm for Deployment of Mobile Robotic Agents with Limited Sensing Ranges”, International Journal of Handheld Computing Research (IJHCR) , vol.6, 2015.
  13. Peng, W. Luo, W. Liu, W. Yu, and J. Wang , “A suboptimal and analytical solution to mobile robot trajectory generation amidst moving obstacles”, Autonomous Robots ,  Feb,  2015, DOI 10.1007/s10514-015-9424-5
  14. Wang, C. Smith, G. Staskevich, and B. Abbe, “A deployment algorithm for mobile robotic agents with limited sensing/communication ranges”, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology, May 21-23, 2015, Naperville, IL.
  15. Liu, Z. Huang, J. Peng, and J. Wang , “Distributed Cooperative Voltage Equalization for Series-Connected Super-Capacitors”, 2015 American Control Conference, July 1-3, Chicago, IL
  16. Li, J. Peng, J. Wang , W. Liu, Z. Huang, “An Adaptive Parallel Charging System for  Super-capacitor  Light Rail Vehicles: Charging Controller Design and Experiment Verification”, 2015 American Control Conference, July 1-3, Chicago, IL.
  17. Wang, T. Yang, G. Staskevich, and B. Abbe, “Approximate policy iteration for cooperative control of multiagent systems under limited sensing/communication”, IASTED international Conference on Computational Intelligence (CI2015), Feb 16-17, 2015, Innsbruck, Austria
  18. Wang, M. Obeng, T. Yang, G. Staskevich, and B. Abbe, “Formation control of multiple nonholonomic mobile robots with limited information of  a desired  trajectory”, in IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology, June 5-7, 2014, Milwaukee, WI.
  19. Shao, J. Wang, and T. Yang, “Experimental validation of distributed cooperative control for mobile agents with switching topologies and time-delays”, in IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology, June 5-7, 2014, Milwaukee, WI. Best paper award.
  20. Wang, M. Obeng, Z. Qu, T. Yang, G. Staskevich, B. Abbe, “Discontinuous Cooperative Control for Consensus of Multiagent Systems with Switching Topologies and Time-Delays”, 2013 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Florence, Italy, December 2013.
  21. Wang and M. Obeng, “Discontinuous formation control for nonholonomic mobile robots”, the 7thIEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal processing workshop, Hoboken, NJ,  June,  2012.
  22. Wang, M. Obeng and X. Wu, “A New Trajectory Generation and Tracking Control Design for Nonholonomic Mobile Robots Using Complex Potentials”, Journal of Nonlinear Systems and Applications, vol. 2, no. 3-4, 2011
  23. Wang, Z. Qu and M. Obeng, “A distributed cooperative steering control with application to nonholonomic robots”, in Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Confer. On Decision and Control, Atlanta, GA, Dec 2010, pp471-4576
  24. Wang, Z. Qu, M. Obeng, and X. Wu, “Approximation based adaptive tracking control of uncertain nonholonomic mechanical systems”, International Journal of Control and Intelligent Systems, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 204-211, 2009.
  25. Wang, Z. Qu, Y. Guo, and J. Yang, “A reduced-order analytical solution to mobile robot trajectory generation in the presence of moving obstacles”, International Journal of Robotics and Automation, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 283-291, 2009.
  26. Qu, J. Wang, and R. A. Hull, “Cooperative control of dynamical systems with application to autonomous vehicles,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 894-911, regular paper, May 2008.
  27. Wang, Z. Qu, J. Martin, and R. A. Hull, “Cascaded feedback linearization and its application to stabilization of nonholonomic systems,” Systems and Control Letters, vol 56, no.4, pp. 285-295, 2007.
  28. Wang, Z. Qu, C. M. Ihlefeld and R. A. Hull, “A control-design-based solution to robotic ecology: autonomy of achieving cooperative behavior from a high-level astronaut command,” Autonomous Robots, vol 20, pp. 97-112, 2006.
  29. Qu, J. Wang, and R. A. Hull, “A new analytical solution to mobile robot trajectory generation in the presence of moving obstacles,” IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol.20, pp. 978-993, regular paper, 2004.


Member of International Program committee for IEEE Conf. CCA 2007; IASTED Int. Conf. Intelligent Systems and Control 2008, 2009; Int. Conf. Intelligent Automation and Robotics 2007-2014; Session Chair in IEEE Decision and Control 2013, American Control Conference 2007, 2006.

Frequent reviewer for IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine; IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control; Automatica; IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks; IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part A/Part B; IEEE Transactions on Robotics; IEEE Transactions on Control Systems and Technology; IEE/IET Proceedings Control Theory and Applications; International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control; International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing; Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics; International Journal of Systems Sciences; ISA Transactions; Journal of Control Theory and Applications; Asian Journal of Control; International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems; International Journal of Robotics and Automation; Fuzzy Sets and Systems; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G, Journal of Aerospace Engineering; Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems; and numerous conferences such as IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Robotics and Automation

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